無生殖協会翻訳部は、ローレンス・アントン/レイス・マリク・リーム両氏が編纂した『An Antinatalist Handbook』(反出生主義者のハンドブック)を、ピーター氏と共同で日本語に翻訳しました。
『An Antinatalist Handbook』は、生殖肯定論者が生殖を正当化するためにしばしば持ち出す言い訳と、反出生主義者による応答の仕方の例をまとめたハンドブックです。
We are extremely excited to announce that The AAPJ Translation Department has translated 'An Antinatalist Handbook' into Japanese with the help of Peter, and the Japanese version of the handbook is now available on its website.
The handbook is originally written in English by Lawrence Anton and Laith Malek Reem.
'An Antinatalist Handbook' is a collection of common excuses that non-antinatalists bring forward in their attempt to justify procreation and how to respond to them.
It was originally available as PDF files, but it is now entirely website-based.
The Japanese version published today addresses Excuses #1-30, which were included in the 1st edition of the handbook.
We at Translation Department plan to translate Excuses #31-45, and Excuses #46 and onwards if published in English.